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Mizuno Hand Crafted Limited Edition Collection - Football Boots

ouou  发表于2012-12-21 23:57 │0 条评论   关注 0

Combining signature aesthetics, with top-end craftsmanship and the highest grade materials, Mizuno have launched the Japan collection across their boot ranges. Available in the Morelia, Morelia Neo and Wave Cup, Mizuno are bringing a new level of prestige to their footwear.

Amongst the myriad of luxury football boots already offered in the market, with promises of delivering professional level footwear, Mizuno can 100% assure fans the Japan collection is crafted to the exact same specifications and processes offered to their professional athletes.  

The journey of an elite football boot is a precise process. To furnish an athlete with a value of millions of pounds and watched by an audience to match, leaves little-to-no margin of error for football shoe manufacturers. The arduous process that goes into making their products explains the price tags attached to the Japan editions, with the Morelia Neo costing around £285 GBP and the Morelia and Wave Cup coming in at around £260 GBP.

Carrying a classical element of design, the only discernible feature of the Japan collection boots to differentiate from the standard versions, is the 'Made In Japan' text on the tongue. The colourways match those already in circulation, but there's something classy about such anonymity. It's like removing the stripes on a Copa Mundial, to draw the focus away from brand recognition onto performance based.

But for such a price hike, what differences can be expected for the additional dollar? The grade of material is quite simply the highest afforded to leather football boots (and usually reserved for endorsed athletes). The Kangaroo leather is Scotchguard, meaning during the tanning and conditioning of the material it's treated with a liquid silicone to be waterproof, stain resistant and more durable.

The biggest difference for the Mizuno Japan collection boots is they are kept in the last for 24 hours, allowing the upper to form a better shape and therefore offer a better fit. Which is significantly comparable to the timings for a standard manufactured boot, which is just 20 minutes. This additional dedication is afforded for the fit and feeling, and simple mathematics equate the expense spared, as the time one Japan edition boot is forming seventy-two standard versions could be formed.

Adding to a long list of alternative, high-end footwear releases, the Mizuno Japan collection offers a prestigious variation. Not to visually "wow", but the boots are crafted to offer the most supreme level of engineering, at the same level as a professional endorsed athlete.

All four new Mizuno Japan Collection football boots are available now through select retailers. Let us know what you think, share your thoughts online, on Twitter and on Facebook.


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