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Pantofola D'Oro Lazzarini Ambra Football Trainers - All Colours - Football Boots

皮③尔④斯  发表于2013-02-17 19:51 │0 条评论   关注 0

Pantofola d'Oro are continuing to roll out luxurious and handmade Italian leather footwear, but on this occasion they're taking their style to the football courts and off the pitch, by launching the full Lazzarini 'Ambra' range in a multitude of colours. 

The Lazzarini is as simple as they come and is a signature design for Pantofola d'Oro, but it's the look which now finds itself equally comfortable off the pitch, as it is on. 'Ambra' quite simple translates from Italian as Amber, and reflects the colour of the outsole which can be worn on an indoor surface, artificial turf, and of course on the high street! 

Pantofola d'Oro footwear is held in such high regard, as they remain true to their heritage. Construction has not been outsourced to a foreign land, instead they are the only true Italian football brand still 100% producing their product in Italy. For example, the tanning and dyeing process which results in such high quality and distinctly colourful leathers, comes from a tannery in the Tuscany region.

Incredibly, Pantofola d'Oro football shoes are hand-made the same way they were back in 1886, when the workshop was founded by the Lazzarini family. Thus their footwear satisfies the long-held comfort and custom fit associated, due to every single pair being hand-crafted and so completely bespoke.

Pantofola d'Oro Lazzarini football boots are modern-day performers, that celebrate the past by encapsulating the spirit and passion of Italy with some bold colour editions. And for those not familiar with the heritage and how Lazzarini football boots first came to the attention of the masses, it was thanks to the legendary Juventus player John Charles.

Some of the games greatest players have formed associations with the Golden Slippers. Fabio Capello, Johan Cruyff, Roberto Mancini, Jurgen Klinsmann, Marco Van Basten and Paolo Di Canio have all worn Pantofola d'Oro boots during their careers and have helped make the brand highly respected.

As the brand has continued to mature, Pantofola d'Oro find themselves creating and embracing more of football lifestyle, through a variation of products. The new Lazzarini Ambra, whilst a very capable piece of performance footwear, also doubles up as a stylish trainer available in a kaleidoscope of colours. The pricetag retains the brand's premium positioning, with the latest addition to the Lazzarini range retailing worldwide for around £120 GBP / €140 EURO / $180 USD


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