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Puma V1.11 Football Boots - Blackouts

ouou  发表于2011-05-28 07:55 │0 条评论   关注 0

We think it's universally agreed within the boots community, that blackouts are the coolest boots out there, especially when they're a prototype pair. Well, imagine our complete and utter awe when these Puma football boots arrived at SoccerBible HQ.

  We're due an update for the innovative Puma v1 speed football boots, and going off these blacked out versions, we've got plenty to look forward to!

We don't want to give too much away at the moment, instead we just want to show off these blackout v1.11's in all their glory, and hope you'll agree they look stunning!

What is clear from these versions, which we recently spotted being play tested by Peter Lovenkrands, is that the new Puma v1.11 football boots are once again incorporating lightweight materials and technologies to continue the v1's speed theme.

Visible on the heel is Puma's special UNI technology, which makes the v1.11 the third generation to incorporate this, where the upper material is stitched rather than glued to the sole, providing the perfect fit by perfectly replicating the unique Puma Aptolast.

Puma look to have engineered an upper that is made from the same microfibre material all over, rather than integrating a textile material. And they've also redesigned the lace cover, for a smooth kicking area and unique look.

We're sure there's going to be plenty more tech info and advancements we can report on when the new Puma v1.11 soccer cleats are finally officially unveiled. But for the time being, we're going to have to drool over these blackout football boots, but to be honest we don't really mind!

Stay tuned to the SoccerBible for the full and exclusive reveal of the brand new Puma v1.11 football boots...coming soon! Share your thoughts with the SoccerBible community online, on Twitter and on Facebook.

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