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Heritage Football Boots - Umbro Speciali - 11/05/09

ouou  发表于2009-05-11 23:55 │0 条评论   关注 0

There is a growing demand in the football boots market for more traditional looking and styled football boots. There is an abundance of multi-coloured football boots available, but not every player wants to pull a pair of bright orange or blue boots out of his bag in the changing room!

To answer this call Umbro have released their new Speciali football boots in two new subtle colourways. Following the successful releases of both the new England football kit and the limited edition Umbro Speciali England football boots, it is clear Umbro are leaning towards a more classic style when it comes to designing.

The two new Umbro Speciali colourways are mocha/ecru/black and black/green/gold, and on first impressions we're aware there may be some boot fans who are slightly reserved about these boots (which included us!) But once we felt the boots and tried them out their quality shone through, and at the end of the day isn't performance more important than looks?

These football boots are really comfortable, the upper is made from a super-soft premium kangaroo leather and the entire fore-foot area is so soft that you get a really good feel and touch for the ball. Umbro have uniquely stitched the striking area of the Speciali so the leather will hold its shape and maintain performance.

The fast flex zone at the front of the Umbro Speciali football boots give excellent freedom of movement, which is backed up by a solid heel counter to provide protection and stability.

These boots will be available from June and should retail for around £80 GBP, £10 cheaper than their counterparts the adidas adiPure and the Nike Legend. Overall, the Umbro Speciali football boots are a comfortable and well made boot, which is going to offer performance through the quality of the upper and should offer durability.


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