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Umbro Speciali R Football Boots - Black/White/Yellow

ouou  发表于2011-01-01 17:00 │0 条评论   关注 0

SoccerBible present to you the newest addition to the successful Umbro Speciali collection. The Umbro Speciali R football boots, standing for 'Revolution', are the latest in a growing line of classy Speciali boots. The new Speciali R features some new design concepts that look to improve the popular heritage boot that has gained a loyal following in the boot market.

The Umbro Speciali football boots have built a reputation for their comfort, feel and overall quality. Speciali's are chosen by those players who favour simple elegance over modern designs...

So what makes the new Umbro Speciali R football boots different? Well to start with, the main surprising difference is that Umbro have introduced a new leather material called 'Kanga Touch'.

Similar to the 'Kanga Lite' material used by Nike on the CTR boots, the 'Kanga Touch' features similar properties and helps to make the Speciali lighter while maintaining a soft feel for the ball. The leather vamps at the front of the boot feature the classic stitch details which hold the shape of the boots while maintaining performance.

The new Speciali R football boots are the first Speciali boots that have been heavily influenced by Nike design. With Umbro being owned by Nike, it looks like the American brand are putting their own spin on this classic heritage boot.

With the new Speciali in hand, it does feel lighter than previous models. The traditional feel of a Speciali still remains along with some new features Umbro have introduced. The famous A-Frame structure that is the main stand out point of the Speciali boots still features. The A-Frame brings together the two halves of the boot and is designed to ensure the support and good fit needed during movement and ball striking. The A-Frame structure features a newly designed lightweight tongue unique to the new Speciali R football boots. All other previous Speciali models have featured the traditional fold-over tongue.

Another new feature is the perforated lightweight compression moulded in-sock with Poron pads which are designed to provide optimum comfort. The same Poron inserts are used in the Nike Laser III football boots and is designed for optimal stickiness to protect your foot from slippage and rubbing.

A TPU injected plate with blades delivers extra traction in the forefoot area of the boot while a high frequency weld lateral quarter with pin perforation, offers stronger visual impact.

With new materials and new design features, the new Special R football boots look to have been given a face lift from its more traditional predecessor. The boot is lighter and sleeker and looks to be one step forward in the evolution of the Speciali boots.

The new Umbro Speciali R football boots are available to order now from selected retailers and will set you back £80 GBP / $125 USD.

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